Suppressing your details
PDV Ltd (PDV) registered in England and Wales under company registration number 03974954, whose registered office is at Green Heys, Walford Road, Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 5DB and is a subsidiary of DM Ltd. We are a Data Processor, Data Processors may also be referred to as a broker. Whilst we do not collect data directly from consumers we do act a Data Processor on behalf of both suppliers and clients to facilitate the sharing of data for marketing purposes under contract with both parties. PDV will never obtain or share sensitive or financial information about you.
In most cases it is preferable to follow the marketing industry practice of suppressing details, rather than deleting an individual’s details entirely.
What is Suppression?
Suppression involves retaining just enough information about you to ensure that your preferences are respected in future. It also allows us to ensure that we do not send marketing to consumers who have asked us not to, and means that we have a record against, which we can check any new marketing lists. If we delete your details, we have no way of ensuring that you are not put back on our database.
To request for your information to be suppressed on the PDV base, please complete our suppression request form. This will then be actioned by our Consumer Services team.
Alternatively, you can contact us directly by:
Post: The Compliance Manager, PDV Ltd, Sunningdale, The Belfry, 13 Colonial Way, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD24 4WH
Consumer Suppression Freephone: 0800 0931 551