Data Protection

Experian and the ICO

The Upper Tribunal ruling between Experian and the ICO clarifies Legitimate Interests and transparency. Controllers must ensure data subjects can access necessary information, but methods can vary based on data sensitivity and potential harm. PDVs Graham Tomblin explains all.

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Agencies Marking Their Own Homework

Agencies Marking Their Own Homework

Learn about why agencies ‘marking their own homework’ can unfairly be viewed suspiciously by skeptical brands and what can be done to rebuild trust.

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Myths in Direct Mail

Busting Myths in Direct Mail

Direct Mail is a crucial element in any modern marketers' playbook; but it's not always understood. In this article, PDV's mythbuster in chief Nigel Goldthorpe tackles some commonly held misconceptions about Direct Mail.

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Privacy in 2024

Privacy Areas To Watch in 2024

With movement on cookies, the DPDI, the EU adequacy assessment and the finale of ICO Vs Experian there's lots to look out for in 2024 for direct marketers and privacy professionals.

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Christmas at PDV

Christmas at PDV

December is an amazing time to be at PDV. We get to strengthen our bonds with our clients and suppliers and use the less manic time to plan for the next year. But let’s be honest it can be a bit quiet in the office.

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Marketing navigating the storm

Direct Marketing in the Maelstrom

It’s not easy to win a fair share of marketing budgets in periods of economic turmoil but with the right data it can be done. MD Nigel Goldthorpe shares four pointers to help direct marketers win more budget in the maelstrom.

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Analysis of Data.


In a world with too many three-letter-acronyms, PDV’s Sales Director does his best to explain Customer Data Platforms without using any.

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Why Is Everyone Talking About Legitimate Interests

The government is proposing amendments to the UK GDPR, which some will say go too far, and others will say don't go far enough. Responsible Direct Marketers however, do have some cause for optimism. Group Sales Director Graham Tomblin explains why.

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Confused women on sofa with laptop.

Privacy and the Value Exchange

Gartner's study into the opinions of CMOs in Europe and the US shows how important collecting first-party data is. It also shows that CMOs are beginning to recognise how hard it is to get right. Group Sales Director Graham Tomblin talks about why he thinks this is a good thing.

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Lead Database Analyst - Ting Zhang

A day in the life of Ting Zhang

Phew, what a busy day an analyst has at PDV! Graham Tomblin checks in with Ting, who is the first STEM member of the team to share their "Day In The Life Of" story. If Ting wasn't reaching for the stars with us she'd still be setting her sights super-high. Find out more here.

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Target audience segmentation.

How much data should I test?

It can be hard to know how much investment to risk on a new data source, but testing the smallest amount possible might actually increase your risk. Graham Tomblin explains why.

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Products displayed on top of desk.

Boosting Retention for D2C Brands

The darlings of the twenties are Direct to Consumer brands and they have had quite a ride through pandemics, supply chain shocks and the cost of living crisis. Nigel Goldthorpe explains how D2C brands can lock in sales and build a platform for growth through retention marketing.

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Compositing images together.

A Day In The Life of Digital Designer Zan Khan

He's a digital designer by day and a cook by night; but more than anything Zan loves a good cup of tea. As Zan’s first anniversary with us at PDV approaches, I thought it would be good to catch up and find out a little more about his daily routine. Here’s what he shared…

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Electric car at charging bay.

New Cars – who’s going electric?

The EV market in the UK is growing year on year and so is unfulfilled demand. Graham Tomblin takes a look at what's going on and explains why he thinks marketers can help to bridge that gap.

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gavel block

The ICO and Experian – What have we learned?

Experian emerged from their appeal against the ICO enforcement notice with most processes intact, and a couple of minor changes. What does this mean to the rest of the Direct Marketing world? Graham Tomblin tries to make sense of it all.

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Women on phone

Zero Party What?

Should marketers be relying on first- second- or third-party data? And what on earth is zero-party data? MD Nigel Goldthorpe sheds some light on all these parties.

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MyOffers Welcome Email

Acquiring customers through email marketing

Acquiring customers through email marketing is more than a good offer or a sexy design. To develop trust in your brand, you need to nurture the audience, build a relationship and create engagement.

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fundraising direct mail

Why are Fundraisers returning to Direct Mail

Discover the Surprising Comeback of Direct Mail for Charities. With Donor Numbers in Decline, Find Out How Storytelling & QR Codes Can Help Save the Day. Learn Why Now is the Best Time to Rediscover this Lucrative Fundraising Method.

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eco-friendly handmade soap

Eco-friendly Cosmetics Anyone?

Who is paying more for eco-friendly cosmetic products and what do we do about those who won't? PDV asks sister company MyOffers to shed some light on this fascinating market.

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woman stressed

Why is the Halfords Fine vexing marketers?

When an organisation takes professional advice before conducting an activity it means they might have an inkling that it's easy to get wrong. Even choosing who to take advice from can be tricky. Here's what happens when you don't take advice from independent specialists.

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targeting consumers

Which prospects are worth a letter?

Putting a letter and a couple of leaflets into an envelope and posting It to someone Is a great way to engage them and hopefully encourage a response. Not everyone is going to love what you do however so learning how to stack the odds in your favour is the key to success.

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A Day in the life of Account Executive Katie Jennings

When you start a new role, your work-life can be pressured yet super rewarding. This Is how Katie does it whilst balancing home life, herding kids and keeping fit.

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How Will Quiet Doers Save the Planet

Oftentimes doing small things to contribute to a very large problem can achieve far more than thinking about the problem as a whole. I will be forever grateful for learning this lesson from my colleagues at PDV.

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Seller Beware

Seller Beware

Here at PDV, we've detected a change In emphasis from the ICO towards naming data suppliers In enforcement notices. Here we discuss what impact this may have on the data supply marketplace.

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couple speaking with consultant at home

How many prospects will say yes?

Our Group Sales Director, Graham Tomblin explains why our clients think it's important to try to predict response rates to direct marketing campaigns and describes the PDV process.

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Woman reading post at home

How to use the post to reach new customers

Postal marketing delivers fantastic engagement with potential new customers. There are 3 different ways to engage people through the post and many different things to consider when deciding which to use.

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